Top JavaScript Trends in 2019: The 5 Frameworks that You Should Start Learning

Have you finished writing your New Year's resolutions list already? Then, you might want to "squeeze in" a few more: the top JavaScript trends in 2019. In other words: the JavaScript frameworks that will be most in-demand and that you should start learning/take further... now.

What's the future of Angular?

Will Angular.js, now in long-term support, be referenced to as "Angular"? And will it manage to maintain its “fame” in the developers' community in 2019, as well?

Can Vue, whose adoption has just... exploded this year, really rival React and Angular or will it still remain an increasingly popular... “niche” framework?

And how about Node.js? Is being the go-to option for creating server APIs enough for turning it into a "must-learn" JavaScript framework in 2019?

This year has seen a lot of "JavaScript action", no doubt about it. With React, Vue and Angular competing for supremacy, key changes and new projects joining the “conventional” rivals on the front-end web development stage, you cannot help but wonder: 

"What JavaScript libraries and tech should I start learning (or improving my skills) before going into 2019?"

Which ones will dominate the year to come and thus future-proof your 2019 JavaScript-powered projects?


1. ReactJS-Powered UIs: One of the Top JavaScript Trends in 2019

Paypal, BBC, Netflix, Flipboard... are just some of the giants betting on React.js.

The Facebook-supported JavaScript framework has been basking in its glory in 2018 because:

  • it makes creating interactive user interfaces so much simpler
  • it's perfectly equipped to turbocharge large web applications
  • it allows data processing without a “page reloading” constraint
  • it “plays well” with other JavaScript frameworks; developers can “team it up” with other frameworks of their choice in their projects
  • it's... Facebook-backed (obviously, this stands for ReactJS's constantly growing popularity) and supported by a thriving community

You don't consider these features as strong enough arguments to start learning ReactJS before 2019 takes over? Then, here are some more strong points to back my prediction with:

  • it's fast (small-sized), flexible and highly efficient: React's server-side rendering feature, easy component model and ideally small size are its main “trump cards”, helping it maintain and grow its popularity the year to come
  • excellent documentation: and this is pure gold for newcomers and one of the key factors that secure developers' loyalty to this framework.

From Facebook's dedicated support to all the docs and online resources available to you for learning React and further improving your skills, you're being given all the needed information on a silver plate...

Now, since it's only but fair to highlight some of the limitations of the top JavaScript trends in 2019 included in this post, as well, let me say that:

  • building with React does require the proper, specific toolkit 
  • it's not compatible with all codes and libraries (its high DOM being the main “culprit” for this)
  • you should be prepared to invest significant resources of time and brainpower into learning React; it does come with a quite steep learning curve...


2. Vue.js

“Miss Popularity” framework on GitHub in 2017, with a skyrocketing adoption in 2018, these days everyone's wondering:

“Will Vue.js keep on... growing? To the point where it turns into a rival for Angular or React?”

We shall see...

What we do know for sure — and this is no subjective prediction, but a relevant surveys-supported one — is that:

From all the top JavaScript trends in 2019, using Vue.js will be one of the most prominent ones.


  • shiny and new Vue 3.0 
  • Vue CLI 
  • Vue Native, for cross-platform development

… among the latest Vue assets to look forward to in 2019, this lightweight framework will continue to “lure” developers and big companies alike (see Baidu, Alibaba, DJI...) the year to come.

Designed for simplifying the whole user interface development cycle, this open source JavaScript framework's ideal for building lightweight apps.

And there's more:

Vue.js was designed as an easy to learn, easy to integrate and ideally lightweight alternative to React and Angular. One that features these 2 big players' distinctive functionalities: server-side rendering (ReactJS) and two-sided data binding (Angular).

Now, if we are to sum up Vue.js's major strengths and reasons why it has made it to this list of top JavaScript trends in 2019:

  • it's conveniently easy to integrate into large projects: you get to add it to your development cycle right at the step where you're creating the interface without fearing that this would “overload” it will all kinds of unwanted issues; it's famed for its easy integration with HTML elements
  • fast setup: thanks to its MVC model (Model, View, Controller), it's significantly easier to set up Vue.js, compared to other JavaScript frameworks on top of the hierarchy
  • low learning curve: you can learn and start implementing Vue into your projects way faster 

Note: do keep in mind that you won't have all the vast documentation and heavy load of resources —  that React, for instance, “spoils” developers with —  to just delve into, nor a large community to rely on!


3. Angular Ivy + Angular Elements

You just can't afford to go into the new year without first keeping up with what's new in Angular:

  • Ivy, the third version of Angular render engine and a performance-booster to look forward to in 2019; compiling will never be the same again
  • Angular Elements, which are pretty much like Web Components, enabling you to use Angular components in all kinds of other environments (e.g. you can integrate your components created with Angular in a... React app)

“What's the future of Angular?”

It will continue to:

  • be one of developers' top choices for developing rich applications
  • streamline development cycles in large teams by standardizing processes and bringing in code patterns for well-organized workflows


4. GraphQL

GraphQL has consolidated its role as the best replacement for REST APIs in 2018, with more and more big names (see Paypal) adopting it.


Here are just some of its biggest strengths turned into arguments for predicting its rising popularity the year to come, too:

  • it's a perfect productivity booster; it's enough for developers to know JSON to use GraphQL
  • being a query language, it enables developers to make more specific server requests 
  • it easily integrates with React via Relay
  • it enables decoupling apps from services, which simplifies the entire process: app developers just define their service requests and, in response, service developers post their offering... next, GraphQL steps in to match those requests with the provided services


5. Node.js 

If it's real-time, lightweight applications, that should work on a wide range of distributed devices, that you'll build in 2019, then Node.js will be your reliable “ally”.

Here are some of its most tempting features, which have earned it a spot on this list including the top JavaScript trends in 2019:

  • it grants developers the freedom to build every single element from the ground up
  • client-side approach
  • it's backed by a particularly active community
  • sending and processing multiple, simultaneous requests: thanks to its non-blocking, event-driven I/O approach, Node.js enables developers to handle multiple requests simultaneously

Now, among the cons to using Node.js, I should mention Node API's instability and this framework's limitations for supporting multi-threading.

The END!

These are the 5 JavaScript frameworks worth adding to your “repertoire” the year to come. That, of course, if one of your New Year's resolutions is:


To become a front-end developer in high demand.