soft skills for software developers
Too bad that you're not writing code by yourself and for your own pleasure, right? Instead, you're part of a team (in most cases) and you develop software products for clients... So, growing and constantly nourishing your communication skills as a software developer becomes critical. And I've just managed to “bust two myths” in one shot: that being a good communicator is some sort of innate talent; it's NOT, it's a perfectly "trainable" skill that you can "seed" and "water" on a daily basis, that brilliant programmers are self-sufficient; in fact, you can perfectly “sabotage” your whole work
Long gone are the days when, as a web developer, you could focus exclusively on honing your technical skills, on enriching your hard skills set! These days, with the line between IT and "the business" going from blurry to... invisible, you just can't afford this “luxury” anymore. Adding some soft skills, as well, to your “toolbox”, is no longer optional. That if you don't want to be left behind; behind the new-generation of IT professionals. So, you might be legitimately asking yourself right now: what are the most in-demand soft skills for IT pros these days? What nontechnical skills do IT leaders...